‘To every thing there is a season.’ Let this be mine for love

No New Year’s resolutions for me. Just heartfelt prayer for the ‘desires of my heart’

Recently, a Facebook friend of mine was brave enough to put a prayer request of this sort out there, and it has inspired me to do the same and make my own little prayer request for this new year known. So here’s to making my last personal post of 2017 count!

As another year comes to a close, I am so very grateful for where I am right now. Though 2017 has brought a few disappointments, as those of you who follow me know, there have been infinitely more blessings. I am tremendously proud of all I’ve accomplished up to this point in my life, oftentimes at great personal sacrifice, and only through much support from my amazing family and friends. Over the past several years, I have steadfastly pursued my goals, made education one of my highest priorities, and remained dedicated to launching my career. And for that, I make no apologies.

That said, it is my sincere wish that 2018 sees the fulfillment, or at least the beginning, of other, no less important, desires of my heart.

Though, in recent years, I have typically been one to keep this aspect of my life very private for several reasons, most who know me personally know that one of my deepest desires is to eventually find my life partner (or “bashert,” as that person is called in Judaism), and, G-d willing, become a mother.

Now, I’m not sure if I believe in the concept of soulmates exactly (in the sense of there being only one person for each of us), but I do believe in finding a soul connection with someone with whom I feel a complete sense of contentment, peace, and synergy. Someone with whom I know I “belong” and am “at home” in that space of mutual understanding, respect, trust, vulnerability, and complete acceptance.

Like many others, I’ve had moments before when I thought I’d found it, and moments of heartbreak upon realizing I had not. Though I’ve felt emotionally ready for a long time for such a mature relationship, I also know, “To every thing there is a season.” In the meantime, I’ve worked hard on becoming the best “me” that I can be, and while I still have work to do, I’m at a place in my life now where I know, love, and respect myself more than I ever have before, know what I want and what I don’t, know that I alone am responsible for my happiness and peace, know how to give and receive, and most importantly, know that I am truly open to, and deserving of, finding the real deal. And for that, I also make no apologies.

All that to say, if you are someone earnestly inclined to prayer/meditation, please remember me in your contemplations as we enter this new year. (And on that note, if you know me fairly well and by chance have someone in mind who you think could be a good fit for me, feel free to reach out to me in the new year.)

Finally, if you’re fortunate to have already found your special person as you enter 2018, hold them tight tonight and let them know how much you appreciate them.

I have no “resolutions” for this year; just areas I’m working toward to continue becoming a better me. Looking ahead, and wishing everyone LIGHT, LOVE, and LIFE in 2018. 


Lauren Levy


An attorney and advocate against discrimination and for the rights of immigrants, Lauren is a published writer on HuffPost and Medium, among others, and a first generation American. She is a millennial who identifies as a multi-ethnic, multicultural citizen of the world.